HighGlowSmile -Manuals & Tutorials

Manuales y tutoriales
¡Bienvenido a sus manuales y tutoriales de HighGlowSmile ! Estamos encantados de presentarle nuestra selección especialmente seleccionada. Manuales y tutoriales Sección: su recurso de referencia para un proceso de blanqueamiento dental exitoso...
Manuales y tutoriales
¡Bienvenido a sus manuales y tutoriales de HighGlowSmile ! Estamos encantados de presentarle nuestra selección especialmente seleccionada. Manuales y tutoriales Sección: su recurso de referencia para un proceso de blanqueamiento dental exitoso...
Should I stop drinking coffee or wine during the whitening process❓
The answer is NO, clinical studies have shown that consuming coffee or red wine does not interfere with the whitening effect of professional or at-home products.
Anyone can have white and healthy teeth while continuing with their daily routine...
However, it is recommended to avoid coloured drinks after the last day of your treatment at leas for 48 hours. After that time, you can keep your regular coffee routine! Check our next post to know how to prolong your results.
It’s important to note that this isn’t the case for smokers 🚬, as the negative effects of nicotine on our teeth also interfere during the whitening treatment.”, clinical studies have shown that consuming coffee or red wine does not interfere with the whitening effect of professional or at-home products.
Anyone can have white and healthy teeth 🦷while continuing with their daily routine...
It’s important to note that this isn’t the case for smokers, as the negative effects of nicotine on our teeth also interfere during the whitening treatment.